Sunday is pickup day for our crate of produce from Tanaka Farms' Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). We joined this CSA a couple of months ago to help support local farmers while enjoying fresh, seasonal, local fruits and veggies. Our travels this summer to France and Nova Scotia convinced us that we really need to shop locally for the highest quality produce -- every market we shopped in gave detailed information about the where their food came from. Foods that are grown to survive days or weeks of transportation are NOT foods that are grown for their taste. Our mantra has become: choose local over distant, and organic over pesticides.
Our bounty today was zucchini, oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, basil, kale, green beans, and soybeans. We have gotten a lot of kale in the past few weeks, and we've been simmering it until tender and then freezing it to add to soup when the weather turns cool. We definitely plan to make Zucchini Frittercakes, fresh squeezed orange juice, Edamame, and Salad Nicoise in the next few days; and we'll see what else we dream up to do with the rest of our haul...